New Camaldoli Hermitage at Big Sur

When I was planning this little California getaway, I thought it would be nice to make a retreat. So I did some googling, and discovered the New Camaldoli Hermitage at Big Sur. I registered for two overnights.

Off of Hwy 1, I took a two mile road that at times seemingly went straight up. I said to myself, "This is like driving to heaven!"

See what I mean?

For the next couple of days, this room was my home. It was a silent retreat, though retreatents are welcome to join the monks for Mass, morning, noon, and evening prayer, which I did.

I read, wrote, prayed, and had my meals here.

I also went on several walks. The scenery is stunning. Big Sur really is one of the most beautiful places on earth, where one feels moved to give thanks to God for creation.

Sometimes I couldn't tell where the ocean ended and the sky began.

This bell rang five minutes before prayer was to begin.

The chapel was simple but acoustically very good. The monks had beautiful voices. During Mass, they would pause a second or two before responding. It is a good habit to cultivate in Mass and elsewhere--pausing before responding.

Can you tell I like these plants? Not sure what they are called, but they are very soft.

Big Sur- where did you get your name? 
I understand the big--big sky, big water, big cliffs, big God.
Big silence at t his hermitage.

Sur sounds like Sir. We have a big God who made this world, this universe, all the people who have ever lived, reality, existence. Out of a big Nothing.

Is Sur short for surf? Big California Surf that I can hear two miles up.

Tack an e on the end. Big Sure. In this place, we are sure that all is well. Everything is fine.

Probably it is a native name that means something else. I will look it up on the internet tomorrow, when I am back to receiving its almost omnipresent signal.

Whatever Big Sur means this--town? area? stretch of coast? (another mystery)--place, on this mountain, overlooking the big Pacific, is perfect for a hermitage.

God would choose it himself. 

The Sacrament of God's Creation, abundant, filled with beauty and peace.
Sky and sea meet in a blended horizon, one turning into the other.

The sun shines twice, in the sky and on the water, multiplying the light.

Seeing throughout helps us feel Him within, so praying comes easily. God is always listening to us. At Big Sur it is easier to listen to Him.

Oh God, please help me be a reflection of your beauty to all those I meet.

Thank you New Camaldoli Hermitage! (Big Sur is an anglicized version of "El Palais Grande de Sur"- the big country to the south, the name Spanish explorers gave to vast, inaccessible coast to the south of Monterey.)


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